Welcome on LAAS Research & Technology Events!

Since 1968, the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems of CNRS has developed its scientific activities around its trademark disciplinary fields: automatic, robotics, IT and micro and nanotechnologies.

For its fiftieth anniversay, the LAAS-CNRS begins a serie of scientifc and technological events declined as:


  • The LAAS Research and Technology Days

RT_DaysThese days focus on the presentation of the research activities of the LAAS-CNRS structured around its four strategic axes, namely Space, Ambient intelligence, Alive, Energy, as well as its characterization and technological facilities. Exhitions and tours will enable exchanges between scientists, academic and industrial actors.

  • The LAAS Research and Technology Conferences

RT_ConfsThe objective of the LAAS Research and Technology Conferences is to invite key international researchers to deliver open talks and to debate about challenging issues crossing the various domains of the lab.


50 years!



Key dates

Next LAAS R&T Conf :
11th july 2018
Chief Technology Officer of OEwaves Inc.

This is a ESOF event!


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